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Tackling Obsolescence in Test Equipment

Many of us have obsolete gadgets: consoles they don't make games for any more; mobile phones without fancy touchscreens; and maybe even a video player in the garage (in... Read more

What's in store for our Summer Midlands LabVIEW User Group?

We are looking forward to our Summer MLUG which is taking place on Tuesday 11th June. Jaguar LandRover are hosting the event this time and we will be meeting at the... Read more

Politicians, Olympic Rowers and some digitisation for good measure!

Last month saw the return of the National Manufacturing Conference run by Make UK, formally the EEF and it didn't disappoint. Having missed the event last year, it was... Read more

MLUG hits new highs with record attendance for first User Group of 2019!

2019 certainly started well for the Midlands LabVIEW User Group when we held our first meeting last month. We were hosted by the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and... Read more

Begin your digital transformation by binning your most important tool

There's one tool that you can find on almost any factory floor. It's nearly two thousand years old, and many factories would grind to a halt without it. And yet,... Read more

Argenta Marks 15th Year of Data-Driven Insights

Argenta -- a leading provider of Product Reliability and Process Improvement solutions -- is celebrating its 15th anniversary, with a focus for the next 15 years on... Read more


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