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Part 4 - On to the fun bit, Coding!


For our own internal use and for the community, the next step we have taken with this is to populate a GitHub repo that has a series of tutorials to navigate from knowing nothing about Actor Framework to knowing enough to have a crack at using it on a live project. So we have setup the Github Repo here, where there is a section for tutorials and a section for code resources that includes some examples of how each tutorial is completed.

Tutorial 1

This tutorial is all about how to get started, the steps to go through to to achieve the object of launching and stopping an actor. The tutorial document is here and the code for support is here.

Tutorial 2

Messages form the foundation of the Actor Framework and are how actors should exchange information between each other. In this tutorial, the objective is to send a message. This all starts with creating a method in the Controller actor and then creating a message from that method. The tutorial document is here and the code for support is here.

Tutorial 3

We all know the necessity for Graphical User Interfaces (GUI), so in this tutorial, the objective is to create a GUI actor that is launched by the Controller. The GUI will have an event loop to handle front panel button presses and it will cover the standard code that needs to be made in order to ensure that the GUI closes down properly, or can be used to close down the application. The tutorial document is here and the code for support is here.

Happy coding! As always, get in touch if you have any requirements, questions or thoughts to share with us.

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