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Argenta get involved in the UK SME Digital Manufacturing Workshop

This is the time of year when we receive invites to exhibitions, seminars and other marketing events. We like to make the effort to attend as many of the relevant events as we can. This is partly because we need to keep abreast of the latest trends in the industries we serve but more importantly to network with experts in those industries. As a business we enjoy collaborating with other businesses in order to provide a complete service.

One particular event our Technical Director, Jeff Woodhams, attended was the UK SME Digital Manufacturing Workshop which was hosted by the High Speed Sustainable Manufacturing Institute. Quite a mouthful even when it’s shortened to HSSMI! However, he was very impressed by both the event and the organisation. There was a broad range of organisations attending on the day ranging from Tier 1 Automotive companies to smaller, specialists such as Argenta. The objective of the event was to encourage collaboration between businesses to support and foster innovation in digital manufacturing, an area in which Argenta have significant involvement.

A key focus of the event was on the concept of Industry 4.0, and how SME's like Argenta are able to harness the concept in order to progress their strategic approach. A thought provoking concept which was well explained and developed by those presenting at the workshop, and of course the opportunity to discuss the subject with other industry professionals was extremely valubale.

The HSSMI have their main office in the Olympic Park in East London so it was also interesting for Jeff to see how the legacy of the 2012 Olympics is being built on to completely transform that part of London.

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